So it's been an extremely busy couple of weeks... I had to shoot my little filmette for the semester than just papers papers papers, but soon it will all be over at least for a little while to do some much needed traveling. All that has really happened to me lately is just school... and of course the hellishness of walking through snow streets.. if only the czech knew how to properly salt. Then, maybe I wouldn't fall down SO much... or maybe it's just me. I can hardly wait for some streefree down time, not always thinking about what i should be doing... it's the guilt of procrastination... i burden i unwillingly bare most of the time.
Today was a high spirits day... the sun came out for the first time in a couple of weeks and it was greatly appreciated... because winter depression is NO JOKE.. especially with snowballs being pelted into your face.
one more paper, two more test, a presentation (one or two can't remember), and then my last edit of my film.....and I'm home free...
Closely Watched Trains (I really enjoyed it) now I want to read the book which is supposed to be really great as well
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thus the night has finally come

This photo is my make-up practice for a friends film I was working on. I'm quite proud of my bruise.
I thought I was in the clear, since the weather here has been quite beautiful lately; I was wrong. It has now come to my attention that it just rains and is super depressing for the next three to four months.
I haven't really had time to think about it though. School has been super busy, with trying to figure out how to do productions in a country in which you don't understand the language and papers. Last weekend, I edited film on the table for the first time. You have to sit in a dark room and cut the film with this little stable looking thing. It was quite an experience, but sadly it will probably be the first and the last time, because we have reached the digital age.
Sometimes, I'm sorry to admit that I just can't watch movies anymore, it becomes such an overload. For example, I went to see the new Harry Potter the other day and instead of it being a just a relaxing experience, I was just thinking the entire time about cinematic imageing, Sometime it's just hard to turn it off. I am contemplating getting my own digital camera so that I can start to film whenever I want instead waiting for it, but I haven't decided what i want to do exactly.
Everybody is in production right now and it has been a lovely experience to watch everyone work. Hopefully, I can stay true to that productiveness. My shooting is two days starting at 5am one day and 6am another. So in other words I don't mind surviving on just coffee for a couple of days.
I watched some great movies the other day. First off if you want to see a really bad it's good horror Austrialian film The Loved Ones is the film to see. The music can be a bit distracting and the film drops a couple of plot points in the middle of the film, but in terms of just being absurd it is something to see.
The Saddest Music on Earth is another great one I watched for the first time. CULT CLASSIC.
Peter Ibbetson was made in 1935 and can you say very along the lines of inception. It wonderfully campy.
Today I went to a Czech place kindof like Office Depot and it was quite an experience. I was buying construction materials for my film. I went with my producer and I don't know about her, but I had a blast, trying to figure out the "look" i'm trying to create for my film. It is going to be a very "sterile" looking set.
Alright. Well.... I guess that's all from me at the moment. Listening to czech tapes, so to better myself... because it's quite embarrassing when I try to speak.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Time is fleeting
So, It's been a million years since I've written on this, but better late than never right? So, here we are in the third month of being in Prague and it never seems to be dull. At first it felt like the semester was going to be pretty slow paced, but after last week it's begun to pick up... ALOT. Between scripts, treatments, papers, czech, and shoots there is always something to be done.
There is too much ground to cover from my time here so here are some top highlights.
1. Perpetually being lost. (sometimes I wonder why I decide to go to East Jesus Prague and believe I can use a map and forget pride... try asking something in English... and you are shunned.)
2. The european culture at picking the person at the tiniest table and sitting with them... it amazes me every time someone, from all the other tables, chooses to just sit with me. without fail, I understand if I was at a larger table and there were no free tables, but no just me with my computer and writing equiptment all around and they choose to make me move everything and be super incovenient.
3. Being an illegal alien for an extended amount of time. I finally got my visa... so now i'm legal.
4. films i've seen. finally saw some goodies... and some werid ones.
The Passion of Joan of Arc
A Man Escaped
some other classics
There is too much ground to cover from my time here so here are some top highlights.
1. Perpetually being lost. (sometimes I wonder why I decide to go to East Jesus Prague and believe I can use a map and forget pride... try asking something in English... and you are shunned.)
2. The european culture at picking the person at the tiniest table and sitting with them... it amazes me every time someone, from all the other tables, chooses to just sit with me. without fail, I understand if I was at a larger table and there were no free tables, but no just me with my computer and writing equiptment all around and they choose to make me move everything and be super incovenient.
3. Being an illegal alien for an extended amount of time. I finally got my visa... so now i'm legal.
4. films i've seen. finally saw some goodies... and some werid ones.
The Passion of Joan of Arc
A Man Escaped
some other classics
Sunday, October 17, 2010
back to the Texas Chainsaw
Oh, the littles joys I've continued to encounter in Prague. This week was filled with Zumba class, many misunderstands, finally fair trade coffee, vanilla extract, and many other wonderful adventures.
Classes have been going well, but I try as hard as I can to fit in as many cultural events in as I can. This week included the new town hall tower, in which I was the only person to be in the building at the time other than the clerk. 10 long staircases to the top. the first were marble then it regressed to wooden then to ladders. creepy, but I enjoyed every moment.
I also was able to visit two modern museums the first was on the river and was interesting and had great views of the city and river. plus the famous prague babies are housed there. The second was the creepiest show I've ever seen. It was straight out of the Texas Chainsaw. There were puddy molds of faces hanging from clothes lines... and I stop there. There was another american in the exhibit with me and we just shared a befuddled exchange and left. He was a nice older man and we exchanged a couple of stories about our first month in prague then parted ways.
On that particular day I decided for some reason to wear a super colorful outfit and was then stopped on the street by a guy who asked to take a photo of me. He said I just had so many colors that I didn't look like an American. I must add I probably did look a bit ridiculous.
I went to see the philharmoinc once again and it even more spectacular than the last. I also went to see Scott Pilgram Vs. the world and I'm not going to lie, I geeked out a little.
Today, I went to get a honey massage and ended up staying an extra thirty mintues talking to the woman who massaged me. She was very refreshing and we had a great converstation about life, age, and growing up. I send her warm thoughts and she really put me in a great mood on a subject that's been causing me a lot of stress lately.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Let the games begin
It's been a month to the date since I've arrived and with every winding, confusing named road I fall more and more into your love spell. These past two days I've been able to go on my morning runs and with each I find myself going farther and farther down the river discoving these really exquisite views and paths. I had to stop on one of the docks this morning to watch for a moment and appreciate where I am.
This weekend was such a godsend due to the fact that this week was such a nonstop affair. I was literaly in school from 8 in the morning until 9 at night most days. I could barely catch a break most days, but I survived and I'm ready for the start of the beginning of many more rounds of that to come.
Friday, I was able to scout a location for my next film with the always impecciably wonderful Zuzanna. Another slam dunk for her, It works perfectly. Now, all I need is to final my storyboard and script and it's a go. It's about a mortuary make-up artist and it's mostly just circumstance, rather than an actually story, but what are you going to do (time constrant I only have a minute). We are shooting on 16mm and cutting our own film, so I'm pretty much limited. Moreover, there is no sound and no lighting (except for natural).
After scouting my location, I discovered a lovely old church and grounds over by the prauge castle then wandered around on the side of the river opposite from where I live... I haven't really gotten to know that area very well and I thought it would be nice to figure it out a little.
So list of things I need to do:
Stop pretending i'm mute when people try to say something to me in czech.
Learn what the word for water with gas is... sometimes some simplicity would be nice.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I was (21) years young....
What to say so far about my bohemian adventures... this past weekend FAMU took the international students on a 20 km hike around the "bohemian paradise." I still can't believe the beauty of the forest and I look forward to more backpacking adventures. My 21st birthday was this past Tuesday and being able to celebrate it with my new found friends and this new place was something I will always remember. The rest of the week entailed playing hangover catchup so that I wouldn't be dead forever. Thursday, A group of us went to see Don Givonni in the Estates Theatre...(the place where it orginally was played as yes MOZART the conductor.) On Friday, Eliot and I went with the lovely Zuzanna to see a filming of a movie. Though it was a tad chilly it was a lovely experience and look forward to seeing the film come out. And i'm super jealous of their film equiptment.. all I have to say is one day... one day.
So that was just a mash up of a bunch of things.. I'm gonna try to write more often.
I've been lucky this week to make it to the road to run at least three times. I feel its one of the only ways to truly fall in love with a city.
On Sunday I went for a walk around an old Castle that and ended up getting turned around and lost for a couple of hours. All i have to say is when lost in Prague don't go into a park... there is never a way out. I then had some time at the wonderful GLOBE for coffee and work. My project right now is on a mortuary make-up artist.... ask me anything......
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Got lost trying to get found
So... I moved out of the student housing into an apartment with Gabe and Eliot. It is a lovely little apartment right next to the national theatre and so close to everything. We are very lucky... but the scene where were signing the contract was quite humorous... there were 11 people present and the three of us were being pulled every which way... it was quite fustrating and confusing, but fortunately we made it through alive.
Classes have been amazing and everyone in the international program is quite wonderful. I've also had time to get lost a little in the city. I think this is the first time i've gone somewhere and truly fell in love with it. I feel at home here and I've only been heree for a little less than two weeks. It is small enough were you can always find your way, yet it is big enough that there is always a new adventure.
We did our first filming... the group was Eliot, Gabe, and I. We had to get on a tram and take it all the way to the end and find a concept and film what we find. We ended up in this high rise suburban area... it was interesting to see the difference from the city to this place. Moreover, Prague is an extremely hillish area and the cliffs were breathtaking. Next project entails cutting our own film...I can't wait. All I need now is a concept... I'm sure it will come.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I HATE CHILDERN..Not really...

So I finally made it to Prague! The city of Kafka, the gohlem of the jewish quarter... and the language that sounds like complete gibberish. My first flight to Washington D.C. was a little shaky I thought I was going to die the entire time... when we finally landed I caught myself saying the Our Father and closing my eyes. The second flight to Copenhagen was 9 hours of complete HELL! Not only was there a baby aboard... it was possed by a demon and wanted everyone to know it.
The Child cried the entire time... It would take little thirty minute breaks just enough to let the public fall asleep then it would scream like it was being murdered.... I even brought earplugs as a TAKE THAT BABY THAT ALWAYS CRIES ON THE AIRPLANE ITEM... but those things did not drown out that sucker...
Thus I arrived in Prague extremely sleep deprived, but I met Zuzanna the woman who is going to help the boys and me get ajusted to our new life here in this lovely city. She is the sweetest person I think I've ever met... she is so full of life... the cab ride to my "dorm" was entertaining between her and the driver... they made fun of the czech words that I thought I knew and taught me the correct ones.
I thought "sbohem" meant goodbye.. it does mean that, but it means "and god be with you" I feel like its me holding out my hand like a trek-y and saying live long and prosper.
I also acidentally stood Zuzanna up twice today... because of lack of knowledge of the city, but it is breathtaking. I can really feel myself becoming comfortable here. It reminded me of my first day in Italy last summer. I was so worried the entire time that I wouldn't be able to find my way back or that people would judge me because I couldn't speak Italian or even the fear of eating in a resturant by myself... but today I felt so confident walking around the city by myself....I even was able to get a cell, put minutes and everything by myself... and I did not feel weird asking for directions ... and when they didn't speak English... I asked French.. if that didn't work then I just pointed and used one of the Czech word that I do know. please.
To prove that czech is a little bit gibberish... guess what this means "zmrzlinu"
ICE CREAM... I have no idea how to pronouce that.
The place i'm staying in is only for a little while... I have to share a room and I'm not too good at that especially if the room is the size of a closet. Zuzanna , Possibly the boys, and I are going to look at some appartments tomorrow... so lets cross our fingers shall we.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
sbohem USA
SO... It's the day before I leave.... and all I have is two suitcases to my name. It's a tad daunting to think that a year will go by before I step back on American soil. Of course, on my last day the heavens have decided to open and pour on my last memory of Louisiana (for awhile), but hey! it is LOUISIANA.
I am a bit surprised though... I thought I would be shaking at the thought of leaving, but really I'm not. It feels like I'm just leaving again for Sarah Lawrence, because every year I feel the same way when I leave for there. Not know what to expect, not knowing what classes I'm going to take, or who I will meet... so, I'm not worried about the year to come in regards to that. I am however worried about the COLD. All anyone says when they speak about The Czech Republic is how cold it is... and if you know me you know... 70 degrees is about my limit because I DON'T DO COLD.
In this last week in the states I've done my ritual hibernation from the world thing.... I rent a bunch of movies and just hide out... I am super bad with good byes...All I have to say is THANK Jesus for Instant Netflix. So, to those I did not get to say good bye to... I'm sorry I just kindof drop off the face of the earth sometimes.
I am a bit surprised though... I thought I would be shaking at the thought of leaving, but really I'm not. It feels like I'm just leaving again for Sarah Lawrence, because every year I feel the same way when I leave for there. Not know what to expect, not knowing what classes I'm going to take, or who I will meet... so, I'm not worried about the year to come in regards to that. I am however worried about the COLD. All anyone says when they speak about The Czech Republic is how cold it is... and if you know me you know... 70 degrees is about my limit because I DON'T DO COLD.
In this last week in the states I've done my ritual hibernation from the world thing.... I rent a bunch of movies and just hide out... I am super bad with good byes...All I have to say is THANK Jesus for Instant Netflix. So, to those I did not get to say good bye to... I'm sorry I just kindof drop off the face of the earth sometimes.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Since I've been back in Baton Rouge I've been doing this Hot Yogalites...It is absolutely amazing... I don't think I have ever felt my body that much. I feel I have more energy and to top it off I can stand the southern Louisiana Heat a little better. The latter is probably the greatest benefit.
Last Week I also tried the Foot detox body clease or what ever they call it. You go in put your feet in a bath of salt water and they hook you up to a machine... It pulls out all of the toxins out of your body through the pores of your feet. The water turns a disgusting color of brown and they can come by and tell you everything that it is pulling out. I'm not sure I 100 percent believe in it, but my feet were mighty soft when I pulled them out of the bath. :) Next week, I'm going to try to get some good hiking in before I leave for the frigid land called Prague. I'm getting so pumped.. enough that I pulled out my suitecase. I have started to pack though.. so much effort, but it will come soon. I did However find a european sight like netfliks... So my life is a little less stressful. I know that is a little nerdy, but regardless I had no idea what I was going to do if I couldn't do netfliks.
Another weird part of this trip is running into people I haven't seen in 6 to 3 years. I completely forgot that some of these people exisited and here we are face to face once again. Some one asked me "What are you doing here" I think that was the first time that I really felt that I was in limbo... I don't belong really anywhere right now. I feel like an eternal visitor... I felt like that at SLC as well... I mean I really can't call a dorm room home and I can't call a place that I see 2 months (if even that) home either. I guess it is the beginning of severing ties with places, but nothing I mean NOTHING is like a hot Louisiana summer. I am lucky for the people I have met and the places I have been... and I guess my idea is that people really do make the place. THAT IS THE HOME THAT I KNOW.
sorry for the ramble...
ok been a while but...
song I'm into as of today.. Skinny love by BON IVER
Movie I just loved... A SINGLE MAN (Tom Ford) STARTER FOR TEN (TOM VAUGHAN)
If you wanna get a grasp of Louisiana... watch The Divine Secrets of the YA-YA Sisterhood... I think it is under rated. I love this film... and If you watch Gossip Girl Like me because I agree I am a sell out... you are in for a little surprise.
That's all I have for now
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Passenger.... my feelings
This song describes how I feel now... I feel like I'm just floating along.. waiting my time until I figure out what I want... What's the rush? SO update... It's so hot here in Louisiana... and every day my departure for Prague is creeping up on me. I finally brought my sleeping patterns back to normal here.
THANK YOU FOR THIS SONG... thank reminds me of the Film Coffee and Cigarettes... ok at some parts.. it is much like Paris, Je t'aime... only Coffee and Cigarettes came before.. and there is a nice piece with Tom Watts and Iggy Pop...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Trying to get back
So, now i've been back for a week in the hot Louisiana Weather. I'm missing the beauty of France and the People that I met there. I can't wait to make it back to other side of the pond, but that will be in quite some time. So until then I am wrapped up with little things to do before leaving for Prague...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I know it's been awhile
I know it has been quite some time since I've written about my french travels and the films that I've been studying, but I was quickly swept away by the splender of Paris. I really think that my impressions have changed and I am still working on trying to get along better with a different culture... which will be 100 percent helpful when I am in Prague for a full year.
As my Paris travels come to a close I will say that, I truely am going to miss this city. Here I've been able to really expore myself, and ask myself "WHAT do you really want," I have been able to be completely selfish in the since of doing what I want... and I think I finally learned how to say the word "NO"... if only I could learn it when I go shopping.
I've been able to converse in a different language... still a little shaky... I've let my pride go out the window... there is no way to learn a language with out making a complete fool of yourself. For most of my college life so far, everyone just seems so serious all the time... trying to go through the day without actually putting an effort into enjoying life.... and that doesn't mean means actually spending time with yourself to get to know yourself better...
I've had several compromising situations here, but it's those that you remember the most. The ones that define a part of you. I am blessed with the experiences I have had thus far.... after my rant.
I went to Normady by myself on Saturday... First I had to depart at 7:45... so that meant waking up at 5, then I took the wrong train and ended up....not where I was suppose to be. After frantic calls to Ludamilla... I with the help of an American Family I befriended... found our way to Bayeux and a bus that would take us to Omaha beach. I am still in awe of the beauty of that area... and the serene atmotsphere of the grave yard. Some times I am am in disbelief that that only happened 70 years ago??
After my lovely walking tour... I made it back to the town of Bayeux... which apparently has a famous tapestry..... (I think I could have skipped that one... If you like spending like 8 euros to look at an old piece of cloth... and have a headset tell you the story of the cloth for like 30 minutes.. (when I say story... I don't mean how it was made... I mean it tells you what the pictures mean.... which is a bit obvious when looking at the 70 foot long piece of cloth... just saying) They should make it a middle ages musee or have something else... but all they have is a giant cloth.
The town itself was very adorable.... I would like to make a trip back to France in the near future to do the Normandy region... Bordeaux... and some more of the south.
As my Paris travels come to a close I will say that, I truely am going to miss this city. Here I've been able to really expore myself, and ask myself "WHAT do you really want," I have been able to be completely selfish in the since of doing what I want... and I think I finally learned how to say the word "NO"... if only I could learn it when I go shopping.
I've been able to converse in a different language... still a little shaky... I've let my pride go out the window... there is no way to learn a language with out making a complete fool of yourself. For most of my college life so far, everyone just seems so serious all the time... trying to go through the day without actually putting an effort into enjoying life.... and that doesn't mean means actually spending time with yourself to get to know yourself better...
I've had several compromising situations here, but it's those that you remember the most. The ones that define a part of you. I am blessed with the experiences I have had thus far.... after my rant.
I went to Normady by myself on Saturday... First I had to depart at 7:45... so that meant waking up at 5, then I took the wrong train and ended up....not where I was suppose to be. After frantic calls to Ludamilla... I with the help of an American Family I befriended... found our way to Bayeux and a bus that would take us to Omaha beach. I am still in awe of the beauty of that area... and the serene atmotsphere of the grave yard. Some times I am am in disbelief that that only happened 70 years ago??
After my lovely walking tour... I made it back to the town of Bayeux... which apparently has a famous tapestry..... (I think I could have skipped that one... If you like spending like 8 euros to look at an old piece of cloth... and have a headset tell you the story of the cloth for like 30 minutes.. (when I say story... I don't mean how it was made... I mean it tells you what the pictures mean.... which is a bit obvious when looking at the 70 foot long piece of cloth... just saying) They should make it a middle ages musee or have something else... but all they have is a giant cloth.
The town itself was very adorable.... I would like to make a trip back to France in the near future to do the Normandy region... Bordeaux... and some more of the south.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
So i decided to list my top creeper moments of the trip thus far...
1. A man in a musee followed me until i would smile for him. I believe it was the l'orangrie... so watch out... for that. I was still able to get away...
2. I was walking out of a sports store( looking for power bars ... i don't know) When a man dropped his credit card. I was in the 14th so I really didn't think anything of it. I called out to him and he picked it up... He then proceded to talk to me until I made it to my destiation.. then went into the movie theatre and waited in line with me... After I faked a phone call he finally left me alone.
3. then of course the allen experience at montmatre... hmmm... sure there are more of those to come.
Today was natrual history musee and the marais and my favoirte place in all of Paris the roman arena in the 5th. It is close to le jardin des plantes and le masque..... I don't even want to talk about how hot it was today... till i talk again next time.
1. A man in a musee followed me until i would smile for him. I believe it was the l'orangrie... so watch out... for that. I was still able to get away...
2. I was walking out of a sports store( looking for power bars ... i don't know) When a man dropped his credit card. I was in the 14th so I really didn't think anything of it. I called out to him and he picked it up... He then proceded to talk to me until I made it to my destiation.. then went into the movie theatre and waited in line with me... After I faked a phone call he finally left me alone.
3. then of course the allen experience at montmatre... hmmm... sure there are more of those to come.
Today was natrual history musee and the marais and my favoirte place in all of Paris the roman arena in the 5th. It is close to le jardin des plantes and le masque..... I don't even want to talk about how hot it was today... till i talk again next time.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
First week french
Ok.... So I'll just sum up the week... I haven't been able to blog because my schedule became a little more full, but any way this week was great! The sorbonne classes have been going well... except for the metro never seeming to get me there on time... I have watched more movies than I can count this week:
Demon Lover
Twilight 3
Trouble Every Day
Be Bad (Youth in Revoult)
The Killer inside me
Le Feu Follet
If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle
I also was able to make it to Le Deux Magots... (The Sun Also Rises) and the cafe from Ameile...
Demon Lover
Twilight 3
Trouble Every Day
Be Bad (Youth in Revoult)
The Killer inside me
Le Feu Follet
If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle
I also was able to make it to Le Deux Magots... (The Sun Also Rises) and the cafe from Ameile...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Independance DAY
I went on a nice jog through the bois (woods) but actually a park..this morning. Then I bumbled around for a little while before making my way to the place de concord to see the l'orangerie musee. I love Monet so this was heaven for me. I still have yet to get minutes on my cell... and I kept missing everyones calls that I was stuck by myself. It was alright I went to go see Klute which ended up being presented by the one and only JANE FONDA ... love her.
I really liked the film aswell. I thought the cinematography was tres interesting... and who can go wrong with Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda.
I then spent an hour searching for a pay phone so that I could get intouch with my friend who was calling me. IF it is a pay phone why in the world do they only take credit cards (oh yeah only european credit cards) and no change... especally at train stations... not one takes change... some of us are not european.... So I think they should still have some of the old change ones... I mean what if it was a real emergancy?
Start the sorbonne tomorrow!!!
I went on a nice jog through the bois (woods) but actually a park..this morning. Then I bumbled around for a little while before making my way to the place de concord to see the l'orangerie musee. I love Monet so this was heaven for me. I still have yet to get minutes on my cell... and I kept missing everyones calls that I was stuck by myself. It was alright I went to go see Klute which ended up being presented by the one and only JANE FONDA ... love her.
I really liked the film aswell. I thought the cinematography was tres interesting... and who can go wrong with Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda.
I then spent an hour searching for a pay phone so that I could get intouch with my friend who was calling me. IF it is a pay phone why in the world do they only take credit cards (oh yeah only european credit cards) and no change... especally at train stations... not one takes change... some of us are not european.... So I think they should still have some of the old change ones... I mean what if it was a real emergancy?
Start the sorbonne tomorrow!!!
My heart just bursts
JULY 3rd
Today I was going to go for a run, but when it was raining cats and dogs outside I voted against it. I did however make it to le jardin du palais and all the neat little places there, then to saint-chapelle and the concerige. While I was at the concerige... I leaned over to get my ticket snapping the strap off my dress, thus exposing my chest to those in front of me.... the next two hours was an adventure to find clothes to change into... I'm telling you baby clothes, furniture, flowers, and anything but clothing for me was on the streets I turned on... finally I found a place and bought something to put on my body.
Off to the trocadero to watch the world cup with Elyse, Marta, and DIno. Too much fun for words... I would have to say my favorite part was the port-o-potties... I think it was the worst thing I have ever smelled in my entire life...
After Spain won... we grabbed some yummy crepes (nuttella and banana) then went to a nice little underground bar over by luxemburg gardens.
I decided to leave early to catch the metro back... oh but who was i kidding ... when it comes to me and that damn metro i can never catch a break... so I found a night bus which dropped me off not where I wanted to go... and then I wandered around for quite sometime until a nice young man placed me at the stop I needed to be at. I made it back 2 hours after I had originally left.
Today I was going to go for a run, but when it was raining cats and dogs outside I voted against it. I did however make it to le jardin du palais and all the neat little places there, then to saint-chapelle and the concerige. While I was at the concerige... I leaned over to get my ticket snapping the strap off my dress, thus exposing my chest to those in front of me.... the next two hours was an adventure to find clothes to change into... I'm telling you baby clothes, furniture, flowers, and anything but clothing for me was on the streets I turned on... finally I found a place and bought something to put on my body.
Off to the trocadero to watch the world cup with Elyse, Marta, and DIno. Too much fun for words... I would have to say my favorite part was the port-o-potties... I think it was the worst thing I have ever smelled in my entire life...
After Spain won... we grabbed some yummy crepes (nuttella and banana) then went to a nice little underground bar over by luxemburg gardens.
I decided to leave early to catch the metro back... oh but who was i kidding ... when it comes to me and that damn metro i can never catch a break... so I found a night bus which dropped me off not where I wanted to go... and then I wandered around for quite sometime until a nice young man placed me at the stop I needed to be at. I made it back 2 hours after I had originally left.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Testin it out
Friday JULY 2
Today, I woke up early to go to the Sorbonne to take my placement test. I was so shocked to find a sea of people... rather than just 2. I inched my way through the test.... so lets see where I just might end up.
After the test, Sonia and I made our way to Montmartre to see the Sacred Heart Church... Inside was beautiful, the the crypt gave such sweeping views of the city it was truly breathtaking. There is all this graffiti at the top and I was reading one and a teen came up behind me ... and to his friends said.. I wish someone would call me beautiful...
After a walk around the top, I couldn't find Sonia... so I thought she had gone back down... so I make my way to the ground and started searching for her.. I guess I looked like a total tourist, because then Allen came up to me... He started to draw one of my eyes... and said "NO, I'm not paying for a picture of myself!"
ALLEN: Oh no, I'm in art school... Practice
ALLEN: TAke just a minute
ME:NO I'm looking for my friend
ALLEN: We can stand and you can look.
Sonia comes and is like what are you doing... and then I said I have to go...then he says 2 more minutes.. which turns into 10.... then He gives it to me and asks for 30 euro... and I'm like...I told you I wasn't going to pay for that... and that I didn't want a picture of myself... 5 minutes late he has 10 euro and i'm stuck with this hideous picture of myself... with blue eyes... (ps. it doesn't even look like me)
To put a cherry on top, I was complaining on the way to the metro and ended up slipping down some stairs. FUN FUN FUN
Today, I woke up early to go to the Sorbonne to take my placement test. I was so shocked to find a sea of people... rather than just 2. I inched my way through the test.... so lets see where I just might end up.
After the test, Sonia and I made our way to Montmartre to see the Sacred Heart Church... Inside was beautiful, the the crypt gave such sweeping views of the city it was truly breathtaking. There is all this graffiti at the top and I was reading one and a teen came up behind me ... and to his friends said.. I wish someone would call me beautiful...
After a walk around the top, I couldn't find Sonia... so I thought she had gone back down... so I make my way to the ground and started searching for her.. I guess I looked like a total tourist, because then Allen came up to me... He started to draw one of my eyes... and said "NO, I'm not paying for a picture of myself!"
ALLEN: Oh no, I'm in art school... Practice
ALLEN: TAke just a minute
ME:NO I'm looking for my friend
ALLEN: We can stand and you can look.
Sonia comes and is like what are you doing... and then I said I have to go...then he says 2 more minutes.. which turns into 10.... then He gives it to me and asks for 30 euro... and I'm like...I told you I wasn't going to pay for that... and that I didn't want a picture of myself... 5 minutes late he has 10 euro and i'm stuck with this hideous picture of myself... with blue eyes... (ps. it doesn't even look like me)
To put a cherry on top, I was complaining on the way to the metro and ended up slipping down some stairs. FUN FUN FUN
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A walk Under the CITY
After class, Sonia and I made our way to my host family's store....
We then made it to the Catacombs... (talk about the creepiest place i've ever been) thousands of bones in piles underground... talk about awesome!!! :)
We then made it to the Catacombs... (talk about the creepiest place i've ever been) thousands of bones in piles underground... talk about awesome!!! :)
Class then to do some shopping.....
I ended up being locked out of my house for a couple of hours just enough to work on some french for my placement test on friday.
Le Fils
Class then to do some shopping.....
I ended up being locked out of my house for a couple of hours just enough to work on some french for my placement test on friday.
Le Fils
je t'aime
I was able to sleep in today. :) I had the wonderful breakfast of Nutella on toast...yum. Then I made my way to the Pompidou Center, where I was surrounded by all the wonderful modern artists.... (My favorite part of the musee was the exhibt Dreamlands and Gorilla girls.
I was able to go on a long walk through the marais and scoped out some stores for the sales... I was able to pick up my la fete du cinema pass... (excited to see Jane Fonda)
I then took a picture tour... around the latin quarter...
Bob Le Flembleur
I was able to sleep in today. :) I had the wonderful breakfast of Nutella on toast...yum. Then I made my way to the Pompidou Center, where I was surrounded by all the wonderful modern artists.... (My favorite part of the musee was the exhibt Dreamlands and Gorilla girls.
I was able to go on a long walk through the marais and scoped out some stores for the sales... I was able to pick up my la fete du cinema pass... (excited to see Jane Fonda)
I then took a picture tour... around the latin quarter...
Bob Le Flembleur
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Well, After my long journey back from Montpeillier. I decided to hop on another train with Elyse and Her Friend Dino to Epernay in order to discover the loveliness of Champagne tastings.
We took a quick train ride to Epernay and grabbed a quick bite before making it to the Moet & Chardon champagne house. There we were able to explore the cellar that contains (a lot) of Champagne... and drink some aswell.
It was a nice day... beautiful outside and the company was quite nice aswell :)
Upon my return I was once agian warmly welcomed by my family and took their evening stroll with the and LEO (the dog). We talked about music that we liked and such and different games. They were even given a taste of my very horrible singing trying to see if they had heard a song... lucky them.
AN American in Paris...
It is a great one... I would recommend it if you are coming to paris... or a hopeless romantic like some... (I don't know if I could say me), but I am when I watch this film.. so watch IT.
till tomorrow.
We took a quick train ride to Epernay and grabbed a quick bite before making it to the Moet & Chardon champagne house. There we were able to explore the cellar that contains (a lot) of Champagne... and drink some aswell.
It was a nice day... beautiful outside and the company was quite nice aswell :)
Upon my return I was once agian warmly welcomed by my family and took their evening stroll with the and LEO (the dog). We talked about music that we liked and such and different games. They were even given a taste of my very horrible singing trying to see if they had heard a song... lucky them.
AN American in Paris...
It is a great one... I would recommend it if you are coming to paris... or a hopeless romantic like some... (I don't know if I could say me), but I am when I watch this film.. so watch IT.
till tomorrow.
We woke up early in order to make it in time to be picked up by our new friends. 7 of us stuffed into a tiny european car, (it was quite fun). The drive wasn't too long, but I kept thinking.. I haven't known anyone in this car for more than 2 weeks... and I have only known one person for more than 48 hours. Those kid of moments are the ones that I love... being about to be far away from home and knowing that others are here to adventure, study, or be rebellious with you.
The beach was quite nice. We got there early enough so that there wasn't many people and it wasn't crowded. We plotted our land and ran towards the clear blue waters of the sea. It was so COLD.... when I say cold ... I mean I couldn't believe it was summer it was so cold.
The animal life was quite lively as well. 3 visions to put into your minds... LIME GREEN BORAT BATHING SUIT.... ONE LONELY NAKED MAN... EUROPEAN WOMEN TOPLESS.... (I don't think any european beach would be correct without these humble local wildlife).
After 6 hours, it was time to take my badly burnt self and hustle it to the train station. This time to get a seat. I slept for most of the train ride.. but my it was pretty... and after our short vacy... it was nice to come (home?) back I guess. To a semi place that I am comfortable with. My host family was very excepting back... and I am sad that I had just missed a chance to meet their daughter.
The beach was quite nice. We got there early enough so that there wasn't many people and it wasn't crowded. We plotted our land and ran towards the clear blue waters of the sea. It was so COLD.... when I say cold ... I mean I couldn't believe it was summer it was so cold.
The animal life was quite lively as well. 3 visions to put into your minds... LIME GREEN BORAT BATHING SUIT.... ONE LONELY NAKED MAN... EUROPEAN WOMEN TOPLESS.... (I don't think any european beach would be correct without these humble local wildlife).
After 6 hours, it was time to take my badly burnt self and hustle it to the train station. This time to get a seat. I slept for most of the train ride.. but my it was pretty... and after our short vacy... it was nice to come (home?) back I guess. To a semi place that I am comfortable with. My host family was very excepting back... and I am sad that I had just missed a chance to meet their daughter.
Dancing... (or maybe not)
Sonia, Martin, and I were able to meet up with our program director and her family for a nice afternoon in the center. It is a truly lovely city. I was able to talk to a street vendor... and hold an ... (ok) conversation... a real plus for me, but I have been feeling more comfortable being able to comunicate.
We were suppose to go to two dance shows, but unfortunately were only able to make it to(stand) half of one. When you have France outside.. why would you want to stay inside watching some woman dropping a knife into her hands several times in a row? WINE
We then met up with one of Sonia's friends from her childhood and talked with her and her friends.... it was nice to meet some more people. We planned to all go to the beach together the next day.
We were suppose to go to two dance shows, but unfortunately were only able to make it to(stand) half of one. When you have France outside.. why would you want to stay inside watching some woman dropping a knife into her hands several times in a row? WINE
We then met up with one of Sonia's friends from her childhood and talked with her and her friends.... it was nice to meet some more people. We planned to all go to the beach together the next day.
SO... DUE TO THE TRAIN STRIKE... Sonia and I had the pleasure of waking up at 4am to catch a 6:21am train... (standing the enitire way), but the fearless warriors that we were we made it to Avignon in one piece. We bumbled around there until we met up with our host for the weekend, Martin.
He showed us around the small, medieval town and it was quite lovely. All that catholic history finally payed off. I remember hearing about this place for years in school, but never really put two and two together until I got to visit the actually site. They have a smashing half bridge as well.
After our trip there it was off on a bus to NIMS to catch a train to Montpeillier.... we missed the train and decided to spend our two lay over hours in NIMS with a picnic.
He showed us around the small, medieval town and it was quite lovely. All that catholic history finally payed off. I remember hearing about this place for years in school, but never really put two and two together until I got to visit the actually site. They have a smashing half bridge as well.
After our trip there it was off on a bus to NIMS to catch a train to Montpeillier.... we missed the train and decided to spend our two lay over hours in NIMS with a picnic.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I FINALLY MADE IT TO VERSAILLES!!!!! :) I woke up bright eyed at make it to the RER... granted I got hit by the doors... running into the train and I was worried the entire time that I was on the wrong train, but then I started to play the fun game called count the travel books... (They were all Rick Steve so it's alright) I had mine out too... so I'm not judging.
Once I got there It was packed... but I zipped on through... because of my trustly european school Id... The Chateau was even more beautiful then I remembered... and this time I got to see the Hall of Mirrors and the Petit Trinon. I was not upset to go alone, until I saw the cute little row boats that you could take on the fountain/man made lake. I considered taking one out by myself, but then I thought I would just look pitiful... so I didn't, but next time... whoever goes with me... we're getting a boat... and we can even sing the T.I. song.
I loved sitting outside in the gardens. It was so sunny and beautiful today.... (the perfect day to go). I really had a lovely time. The only part that I didn't enjoy was flashing all of versaille with the silly skirt that didn't seem to want to remain close to me... but rather it ventured out... leaveing my rear end for all the world to see.
Spur of the moment decision...ORSEY MUSEE.... they had a special show called Crime and Punishment that is closing in two days... and since I won't be here I wanted to see it before it closed. It was quite wonderful... It had alot of things pertaining to murders and exicutions... I found it very interesting... THEN OFF TO MY LOVES MONET and DUMAS. lovelovelove... I also was able to catch up with Renoir, Van Gogh, Manet...and a few other dear friends.... in order of musee and time periods it goes Louvre, ORSAY then Pompidou... Orsay is from late 1800s to mid 1920s... so next is the Pompidou to catch up with the history of art.
Tomorrow we leave for Montpeiller.... The train that Sonia and I were supose to be on is on Strike so instead of the 7am train we will be on the 6am train which means I have to wake up around 4 or 4:30... (I'll play that one by ear).
Till we meet agian.
Once I got there It was packed... but I zipped on through... because of my trustly european school Id... The Chateau was even more beautiful then I remembered... and this time I got to see the Hall of Mirrors and the Petit Trinon. I was not upset to go alone, until I saw the cute little row boats that you could take on the fountain/man made lake. I considered taking one out by myself, but then I thought I would just look pitiful... so I didn't, but next time... whoever goes with me... we're getting a boat... and we can even sing the T.I. song.
I loved sitting outside in the gardens. It was so sunny and beautiful today.... (the perfect day to go). I really had a lovely time. The only part that I didn't enjoy was flashing all of versaille with the silly skirt that didn't seem to want to remain close to me... but rather it ventured out... leaveing my rear end for all the world to see.
Spur of the moment decision...ORSEY MUSEE.... they had a special show called Crime and Punishment that is closing in two days... and since I won't be here I wanted to see it before it closed. It was quite wonderful... It had alot of things pertaining to murders and exicutions... I found it very interesting... THEN OFF TO MY LOVES MONET and DUMAS. lovelovelove... I also was able to catch up with Renoir, Van Gogh, Manet...and a few other dear friends.... in order of musee and time periods it goes Louvre, ORSAY then Pompidou... Orsay is from late 1800s to mid 1920s... so next is the Pompidou to catch up with the history of art.
Tomorrow we leave for Montpeiller.... The train that Sonia and I were supose to be on is on Strike so instead of the 7am train we will be on the 6am train which means I have to wake up around 4 or 4:30... (I'll play that one by ear).
Till we meet agian.
Thursty Tuesday
CLASS.... Once more with my favorite thing. Dictee... BUT I AM IMPROVING!!!! :)
After a nice long class, 10 to 3 (but enjoyable) Sonia and I muddled our way to the Pompidou center.. but of course it was closed... so we settled for the Luxemburg Gardens... (how lovely It was). I really feel that Paris and I are at the beginning of our love affair. I've just started to become really comfortable in the city and more importantly with me traveling around in a place that I don't know extremely well and the language is ... well I don't mean to make a pun here but (foreign). I do try though.
We went to a used book store where I bought "Greatest Poetry throughout time" (with some notes scribbled in the margins MY FAVORITE!!! I love to see what other people think about the world, love, poems, books... or shopping lists.) and "The Suicide Club" :) for only 3 euros.. PAS MAL.
My host family let me try some fresh artichoke that they boiled. Being that I've never seen an artichoke out of a mason jar... it was very interesting. They even brought out a little vinger to put with it.... It was AMAZING ... we then chatted about several topics. They are the sweetest people ever. I think I say that every day, but it is so true. They are really making this whole experience a really wonderful one. They even put up with my really bad french... I also learned today that I shouldn't say that I'm excited ... which I do very often.. It might give off the wrong idea...
I watched a Jacques Demy film called "Peau d'Anc" or Donkey Skin. I thought it a bit odd but genuinely liked it... I guess it is something that people have to see for themselves. It is a light film that glosses over a very "not so light" subject... It is a little like Cinderella with a twist. I liked the design and movement of the film- they made it not so "bubblegum" as some of the musical type films of the era.(it's not a musical). made 1975
After a nice long class, 10 to 3 (but enjoyable) Sonia and I muddled our way to the Pompidou center.. but of course it was closed... so we settled for the Luxemburg Gardens... (how lovely It was). I really feel that Paris and I are at the beginning of our love affair. I've just started to become really comfortable in the city and more importantly with me traveling around in a place that I don't know extremely well and the language is ... well I don't mean to make a pun here but (foreign). I do try though.
We went to a used book store where I bought "Greatest Poetry throughout time" (with some notes scribbled in the margins MY FAVORITE!!! I love to see what other people think about the world, love, poems, books... or shopping lists.) and "The Suicide Club" :) for only 3 euros.. PAS MAL.
My host family let me try some fresh artichoke that they boiled. Being that I've never seen an artichoke out of a mason jar... it was very interesting. They even brought out a little vinger to put with it.... It was AMAZING ... we then chatted about several topics. They are the sweetest people ever. I think I say that every day, but it is so true. They are really making this whole experience a really wonderful one. They even put up with my really bad french... I also learned today that I shouldn't say that I'm excited ... which I do very often.. It might give off the wrong idea...
I watched a Jacques Demy film called "Peau d'Anc" or Donkey Skin. I thought it a bit odd but genuinely liked it... I guess it is something that people have to see for themselves. It is a light film that glosses over a very "not so light" subject... It is a little like Cinderella with a twist. I liked the design and movement of the film- they made it not so "bubblegum" as some of the musical type films of the era.(it's not a musical). made 1975
Monday, June 21, 2010
giggles :)
Today was full of lots of joy and giggles... and you guessed it more films...
I woke up to continue to watch the end of "La Chute de la Maison Usher" or The fall of the House of Usher based loosely on the tales of a dear close friend of mine...yes Edgar Allen Poe. The film was made in 1928 by the magical Jean Epstein. This silent film is truly something to experience. (you can find it online on you tube... WATCH IT) It was truly revoutional for the time in which it was created...
OH... tangent
After that, A lovely travel to Montmartre to do a little walking tour of the area.. (i'm not done with it quite yet...) funny story about this place. I was trying to pronounce the name and instead of saying the last part right I pronounced it "merde" look up your french... and see why laugher was response...
dicussed the film "The Rules of the Game" (La Regle du Jeu) 1939 Jean Renoir ... Not to be confused by his father who was Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
After class made a trip back to the Cinémathèque française.... where after nicely (in some kind of french I made up) if they had found my Id... The front desk switched me to the ticket test... who then asked a passing security guard if they had seen my Id... finally YES was the answer...and Sonia and I timidly followed the guards to the depths of the Cinémathèque française to find my ID.... and there it was the beautiful card in which I would be in deep (merde) without (amongst the men watching the world cup) I think it was Switerland and Chile today.
Sonia and I ducked into a Cafe to grab my life force (coffee) and her some wonderful french cusine. After being forgotten about due to the world cup, we made our way to bastille to check out the music party... (today is a free day for all to play music.)
Then back home to work on my presentation about JEAN EPSTEIN....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
NO VERSAILLE TODAY... I was convinced I was going all the way until the subway... It was raining... and So I made a decicion to go to the Lourve instead. I beat the masses and didn't have to wait in a long line and thanks to a student card.. I didn't have to pay... I brought Rick Steves with me.. and together we discovered the history of some of the world's greatest art. Venus de Milo or as some guy next to me put (to his child no doubt) "the hot sex goddess with no arms."
On of my favorite things to do in a museum is to creep on others to hear what they have to say about the art work that they see. In the Napolean apartments... one woman looking at a huge dinning room covered in red velvet and gold asked if they would actually eat in these rooms. To that the other woman responded well it's a little over the top... (WELL DUHH)
One of my other favorite things to do is count the video cameras and people taking pictures especially at art museums.. yes, I can understand takining maybe a picture in front of the mona lisa or another painting or statue that means something to you, but the people who walk around with the video camera launched in front of them documenting their ever step through the lourve.. first ... ARE YOU EVER GOING TO WATCH THAT AGAIN????..... second... you are missing out... I've seen plenty of tourists who just walk around holding a video camera... they are missing out... living life behind a lens is just silly. i think there is something special about art musems and the way that these painting are one of a kind... or the stories behind them... and by just glossing over them by not even caring enough to shut off your video camera.. it's a shame.
well then, after that I went to the St. Paul area and had a nice walk around before coming back (I think I caught a cold).
Saturday avec myself
Today, I woke up saying Versailles... (but that didn't happen) instead I decided to check out many of the boutiques around the Hotel de Ville/Chatlet area. I bought a light sweater because it was so COLD. I then bumbled around for a few hours popping in and out of stores and such.
Later in the day, I met up with an old friend of the family, Sue. It was a lovely meeting and we were able to catch up quite nicely.
I went to bed a tad early... because I wanted to go to Versailles the next day.
Paris on top of the Eiffel
Hello there. So after a lovely morning of classes and great conversation along with my fellow teachers and student. Sonia and I set out to meet Elyse and some of her friends to watch some of the World Cup. (USA). There was a large screen set up across from the Eiffel tower. I had a glass of beer and basked in the sun while watching the game.
After the game was over, Sonia and I made our way to (first ICE CREAM) then to the tower to walk under it, but when we under the line to climb the stairs was very small... so WHAT THE HELL. We climbed to the 2nd level and it was absolutely lovely. We stopped at the 2nd level because the line to the 3rd just wasn't worth the wait.
After our decent (and shaky legs I think it was around 750 steps), we walked around the park and the area a little. Once we found a subway we made it back in enough time to be bombarded by world cup fans. :) When I arrived home I set myself to watch Don't Look Now. It was wonderful. I had only seen the begining, but so many people have told me things about it that I had to watch it.. and finally I did. I think it was beautifully made... and I still am pondering....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
June 17th
Another day of class. It was lovely to wake-up (early) .. hmmm... eventually i'll get used to it. Sonia and I were able to navigate our way to another of our teacher's appartments, but when we arrived off the subway.. right in front of us was moulin rouge. so... part of my (obnoxious) sight seeing is over :).
After class we stopped into a cafe to have some coffee, then hurried our way to st. paul to go to an american book store called the red wheelbarrow. (which happens to be one of my favorite poems by william carlos williams.) After meandering through the books for a little while. We hopped on the train once meet at la cinematheque francaise.
Films watched today:
What's New Pussycat
L'Auberge Rouge
Les diabolique
So, I think i'm gonna sleep... I think tomorrow Catacombs.
Victor. June 16th
I guess I'm still not quite adapted to the time change yet. Today was interesting...
PLUS of Today... la maison de Victor Hugo. Sonia and I found it during our afternoon walk around the latin quarter. We also found this neat little indian the/coffee house. It was full of different middle eastern books and items. We attempted to go to the european photography museum, but it had closed before we arrived.
It was an early night but I got some quality time with my host family. I chatted with them and took the dog for a walk with them. I think I'm starting to settle in, thankfully.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
JUNE 15th
I think time difference has started to get to me. I was really tired and didn't want to wake up in the morning, but (poor me in Paris I know). Class at 10 was very interesting. We discussed some of Nouvelle Vague (New Wave Cinema) and talked about Rohmer. The class was held at our professors house and I felt very at ease. It is kind of a familar learning style like at (le meme a) Sarah Lawerence. After Class, (apres la classe) I met up with Elyse to do some window shopping. I caved once more when I saw the American starbucks... but it serves me right because I asked for a latte and I got a steamed soy lait ( some hot soy milk) and if you have ever had just plain soy milk... not that tasty. So, that was my last trip to starbucks. Later in the day I was told that if you want a latte you ask for ( Cafe creme... c'est la meme chose "it's the same thing").
I was left to my own company around 3:30... so I decided to go to the Champ L'Eysee. I walked up to the Arc de Triomphe en la place charles de gaulle. I was going to wait to actually go up to the top with someone with me... but I just said what the hell... and went by myself. With my sorbonne student ID it was why not. I'm glad I did go by myself it was a beautiful view and I was able to chat with a couple of other travellers up top...(who took a VERY close photo of my face).
After my walk, I made it back to Saint Mande and grabbed some fruit for the welcome dinner. It was another nice meal with the facultiy, Sonia, Elyse, and myself. We also met a past alumn of Lexia, who had moved to Paris. (she was the one who informed me about cafe creme). After several glasses of wine (la verre de vin) I muddled my way home and fell quickly asleep. :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Tad Bit Morbid
Today, I was not as bright eyed in the morning. I whined in bed for an hour before actually getting up to start my day. From 10 till 1:30 I was with the program director and Sonia figuring out a few details.... and had a dictation... (i didn't do so hot). I now will be reading
Le Nuage Bleuto aid in my decline of the french language.
Positive things:
I now have a french phone number. I have a pretty sweet swipe-y card for the metros and buses. I bought my first bulk french groceries. I can't feel my blisters on my heals anymore. I held a baby today.
After the meeting, It rained... and rained...When that was done, I took my first swipe-y (what parisians use) card, trip to Le Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise. This is the place where Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Moilere, and Chopin are buried. It took me awhile to navigate through the largest cemetary I think I have ever seen in my entire life. I thought I would never reach any end at one point... it just kept going... and going... but anyways... It was most certainly worth it. I stood next to a couple at Jim Morrison's grave who recalled, when they were young, and he was alive. After a moment, they left leaving me and a couple of others in silence until a group of American Highschool kids made it to the scene. One Flicked a cigarette on to the grave, while the others just took a sigh, because they had finally found the grave. It was a wonderful moment for me, because here I was in this place thousands of miles away from home, but still I connected with the people around me only if for a few seconds.
My main purpose of course was for Oscar Wilde's grave. It is traditon to give Oscar a kiss goodbye and I was not going to miss out on this tradition. It was strange standing at his grave by myself, I was glad I came alone, but I felt a tad morbid reading the graffiti on his grave..... (which, of course, was covered by blush kisses). I wandered what I would someday want scrawled on my tomb stone. I'm still not sure, but I will keep thinking. Any who, I was able to give Oscar a kiss goodbye before dashing out (it was closing time and no matter how much I love the yard... I didn't want to spend the night).
After that experience I wanted to walk around the area a bit before heading back. For awhile, the area was really nice. I ducked into a health food store to see what a french one was like. Not too much longer after that, I took a wrong turn in ended up in not so great of an area. I didn't want to whip out my map (for fear of being noticed)- I already had been... so I just kept walking... 30 minutes later I was safely on the Metro towards Hotel de Ville to walk around in that area. I know this is extremely American of me, but I wanted a chai latte so bad when I saw a starbucks, that yes.... I went to starbucks... but I wanted Soy Milk and Chai... I was dying... Not having milk for so long.. then coming to a culture that does nothing but drink WHOLE MILK.. was killing my stomach... so I needed a little break from my break... and that is that.
Tomorrow should be nice,
First day of real class and some sightseeing... Probably no kisses.... But Oscar desereves them all
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sometimes not so easy of a ride
Saturday June 12th
Today, I was able to make it on time to the morning meeting. We talked about the films we would be studying and it became all very exciting, because Sonia, the other student, and I were able to meet our teachers. It was nice to speak with them about our favorite movies and our assignments. The meeting was very informal and was set to a picnic.
During this period I finally felt like I really was thousands of miles away from home. It was a time for me to finally relax and enjoy the surrounding and the company around me. The picnic lasted a bit longer then intended (I didn't mind) that we missed the concert and bike ride that we were going to go on... It was nice to have some free time... to go and explore. Sonia and I ended up at the Cinema Bastille... to watch Easy Rider. (Dennis Hoper)
I had never seen the film, but it truly struck a chord with me. I am always interested 1. in road movies and 2. in flims that have Louisiana in them. Watching it in a parisian cinema with a grainy screen was an experience i'm glad that I didn't miss.
After that, What else? Crepes!!!! Then Sonia and I muddled our way (ON FOOT) back to Saint Mande, then stopped in a cafe for some Juice and Chocolate Mousse... then back to our homestays to get some sleep.
Sunday June 13th
The day started with an 830 run avec Sonia. It was nice, but short. I didn't last but 20 minutes... I'm still on sleep and eat schedule. Not bad, but If I wanna be able to survive 7 weeks a Paris I need to be able to do my stress run.
Any who... the run was in a beautiful park a street from my homestay. It was lovely and cool. When I came back I ran into my host parents and they were as sweet as could be.
Next, Sonia and I made it back up to the heart of the city to see some sights and eat lunch. We visited Notre Dame and walked around that area a bit, walked through some parks, and walked along the Seine. We ran into this friendly tourist from Boston, who chated us up so we could take a picture of him infront of ... (i'm not quite sure what the building was)....
After lunch, we need to rush back because we were suppose to meet our program director in order to go to the concert. 15 minutes late (pas mal) it's french time. We checked out the confusing french bikes, but did not make it in time to go to the concert, so Sonia and I, after a confusing tranaction once agian with the bikes, went on a quest to find Ice Cream. 3 miles later (It was a sunday) we found a place.
After the walk back, we watched our first film for class. Conte d'ete (A Summer's Tale by Eric Rohmer) I'm still sifting through my toughts, but I thought it was a lovely film. I felt connected to all of the characters. At the beginning my feelings were a little bias, but each character changed throughout the film. I thought the preformances were truthful...and it was entertaining.
I a little tired... and I have another full day tomorrow..
Au Revoir
Today, I was able to make it on time to the morning meeting. We talked about the films we would be studying and it became all very exciting, because Sonia, the other student, and I were able to meet our teachers. It was nice to speak with them about our favorite movies and our assignments. The meeting was very informal and was set to a picnic.
During this period I finally felt like I really was thousands of miles away from home. It was a time for me to finally relax and enjoy the surrounding and the company around me. The picnic lasted a bit longer then intended (I didn't mind) that we missed the concert and bike ride that we were going to go on... It was nice to have some free time... to go and explore. Sonia and I ended up at the Cinema Bastille... to watch Easy Rider. (Dennis Hoper)
I had never seen the film, but it truly struck a chord with me. I am always interested 1. in road movies and 2. in flims that have Louisiana in them. Watching it in a parisian cinema with a grainy screen was an experience i'm glad that I didn't miss.
After that, What else? Crepes!!!! Then Sonia and I muddled our way (ON FOOT) back to Saint Mande, then stopped in a cafe for some Juice and Chocolate Mousse... then back to our homestays to get some sleep.
Sunday June 13th
The day started with an 830 run avec Sonia. It was nice, but short. I didn't last but 20 minutes... I'm still on sleep and eat schedule. Not bad, but If I wanna be able to survive 7 weeks a Paris I need to be able to do my stress run.
Any who... the run was in a beautiful park a street from my homestay. It was lovely and cool. When I came back I ran into my host parents and they were as sweet as could be.
Next, Sonia and I made it back up to the heart of the city to see some sights and eat lunch. We visited Notre Dame and walked around that area a bit, walked through some parks, and walked along the Seine. We ran into this friendly tourist from Boston, who chated us up so we could take a picture of him infront of ... (i'm not quite sure what the building was)....
After lunch, we need to rush back because we were suppose to meet our program director in order to go to the concert. 15 minutes late (pas mal) it's french time. We checked out the confusing french bikes, but did not make it in time to go to the concert, so Sonia and I, after a confusing tranaction once agian with the bikes, went on a quest to find Ice Cream. 3 miles later (It was a sunday) we found a place.
After the walk back, we watched our first film for class. Conte d'ete (A Summer's Tale by Eric Rohmer) I'm still sifting through my toughts, but I thought it was a lovely film. I felt connected to all of the characters. At the beginning my feelings were a little bias, but each character changed throughout the film. I thought the preformances were truthful...and it was entertaining.
I a little tired... and I have another full day tomorrow..
Au Revoir
Friday, June 11, 2010
Day Deux
So... Thinking that I set my time right to Paris time. I was wrong and walked in confidently into a program meeting 45 minutes late. I thought that i was 5 minutes early, but no. It happens to the best of us.
After leaning a bit about each other and our cultures, we decided to have a little picnic outside. We grabbed some sandwiches (apparently I need to work on my french accent, because when I said Le Tomate, the server did not understand what I wanted... I recieved celery instead.) It was a nice afternoon (a la bebe) :)
Next we were off to another meeting with someone who was going to show us around the center a bit. We met at Cafe Zimmer... a tad late, because we took the wrong subway, but we were able to figure it out (eventually). Along with our guide we also met up with my best friend Elyse, who is studying here aswell. The guide showed us around and taught us how to use the Metro map and the Paris maps.
After he departed us, us three girls we able to roam around the city a bit. We stopped at a little cafe near the Louvre and had a quick drink, then off to find the metro in order to make it back to Saint Mande to pick up some items and change before dinner. Finding the metro was the difficult part, but eventually a nice woman pointed to a station right in front of us. Why we didn't see it before is beyond me.
My homestay mother was very welcoming to Elyse and I'm glad because I didn't really know the procedure of bring people to their home, but it all worked out. After I had refreshed a little, we departed to go to the place where Elyse was staying, with several other Louisiana people. We had a drink and "watched" a little of the world cup.
We then went to a nice french resturant down the street. It was absolutely wonderful. Duck salad followed by chocolate mousse. It was a lovely spot watching people go by. It was right near the Metro, so it was a prime people watching spot. Later, I was able to take the Metro by myself to Saint Mande.
On the metro some guys were trying to steal this other man's wallet. They chased him all the way to the doors and when they closed they stuck their hands through the windows where i was sitting. It was a tad scary, but we started to move and the moment was over.
My walk back from the Metro station was covered in sounds of cheers for the World Cup (France was playing) and lovely night air. I decided to explore a new way home (and was successful). Once I arrived home, I had to make sure the dog didn't bark at me to wakeup the entire house. After that challenge, I completely crashed.
Today inculdes: Picnic, Bike Ride, and Jazz Concert... I am super excited :)
After leaning a bit about each other and our cultures, we decided to have a little picnic outside. We grabbed some sandwiches (apparently I need to work on my french accent, because when I said Le Tomate, the server did not understand what I wanted... I recieved celery instead.) It was a nice afternoon (a la bebe) :)
Next we were off to another meeting with someone who was going to show us around the center a bit. We met at Cafe Zimmer... a tad late, because we took the wrong subway, but we were able to figure it out (eventually). Along with our guide we also met up with my best friend Elyse, who is studying here aswell. The guide showed us around and taught us how to use the Metro map and the Paris maps.
After he departed us, us three girls we able to roam around the city a bit. We stopped at a little cafe near the Louvre and had a quick drink, then off to find the metro in order to make it back to Saint Mande to pick up some items and change before dinner. Finding the metro was the difficult part, but eventually a nice woman pointed to a station right in front of us. Why we didn't see it before is beyond me.
My homestay mother was very welcoming to Elyse and I'm glad because I didn't really know the procedure of bring people to their home, but it all worked out. After I had refreshed a little, we departed to go to the place where Elyse was staying, with several other Louisiana people. We had a drink and "watched" a little of the world cup.
We then went to a nice french resturant down the street. It was absolutely wonderful. Duck salad followed by chocolate mousse. It was a lovely spot watching people go by. It was right near the Metro, so it was a prime people watching spot. Later, I was able to take the Metro by myself to Saint Mande.
On the metro some guys were trying to steal this other man's wallet. They chased him all the way to the doors and when they closed they stuck their hands through the windows where i was sitting. It was a tad scary, but we started to move and the moment was over.
My walk back from the Metro station was covered in sounds of cheers for the World Cup (France was playing) and lovely night air. I decided to explore a new way home (and was successful). Once I arrived home, I had to make sure the dog didn't bark at me to wakeup the entire house. After that challenge, I completely crashed.
Today inculdes: Picnic, Bike Ride, and Jazz Concert... I am super excited :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Journey to Paris
Despite being asked if one of my eyes had always been larger than the other one... the pre-trip time was less stress free than I thought... oh wait I forgot about the mess that Health Care providers cause... Yes. They tried to screw things up for me... but failed. It was redeemed by the cafe barista having my order ready before I even got up to the counter. Yes, I know I have a coffee problem... but I'm pretty headstrong and I don't think I'm gonna change now.
The night before my departure I watched 400 Blows... it truly got me pumped for my trip. It's kindof a mix between The Cather and the Rye and Stand by Me. To films that scream to the inner 12 year old that is trapped inside my heart.
So, My day started off extremely well with my morning run, then finishing packing. I made it to the Airport 2 hours early....and what do you know my luggage is exactly 50 lbs... I was shocked because... I always have to pay those stupid extra charges.. or stuff some more of my stuff in my carry on... but no.. today the odds were in my favor (until a cup of coffee landed in my lap).
HOUSTON TO PARIS: longest flight of my life.
Favorite Moments:
1. Bathroom lines the entire trip
2. toddler throwing up
3. The french woman who tried to talk to me. I think she was trying to tell me about her daughter, but after waiting in line for the bathroom, it just seemed to be a little too awkward for my tastes
4. Accidently kicking my seat buddy numerous times while trying to sleep. She still managed to enjoy my company though.
5. A woman in a floral dress, who walked around as if she had never seen a plane.. or people... or a bathroom... or AIR in her entire life.
PARIS: (raining cats and dogs)
I met the only other student on the program I am on. We had a chance to chat on the looonnng ride to our base office. It was really nice to have a great deal of things in common with her. I was worried that I would be stuck here alone. When we arrived to the office, we met up with our program director. She has to be the sweetest woman ever. She gave us maps and our first assignment. After we went to our homestays, we were to find each other again (without cellphones), get bus tickets, then take the bus to the bastile and meet the director once more.
#1 I think I am really going to enjoy my homestay. I've only met two of the residents Madame and the dog, but by them I can tell I will love the rest of the household, which includes another foreign exchange student. Moment I knew I was were I should be... when her face lit up when I told her of my love for coffee.
#2 Bus tickets and finding the bus no problem.
#3 Finding the director...problem.. (apparently there is more than one news stand in Paris) who would have thought.
The three of us + a baby were able to wonder around a little bit of the wonderful city. When it started to rain we ran for cover in a nearby Cafe. There my fellow student and I were left once more to bumble around then find our ways back to our homestays. No trouble there.
It was an interesting first day. I think it is a great start to a lovely trip. Well, I haven't slept since Baton Rouge.
The night before my departure I watched 400 Blows... it truly got me pumped for my trip. It's kindof a mix between The Cather and the Rye and Stand by Me. To films that scream to the inner 12 year old that is trapped inside my heart.
So, My day started off extremely well with my morning run, then finishing packing. I made it to the Airport 2 hours early....and what do you know my luggage is exactly 50 lbs... I was shocked because... I always have to pay those stupid extra charges.. or stuff some more of my stuff in my carry on... but no.. today the odds were in my favor (until a cup of coffee landed in my lap).
HOUSTON TO PARIS: longest flight of my life.
Favorite Moments:
1. Bathroom lines the entire trip
2. toddler throwing up
3. The french woman who tried to talk to me. I think she was trying to tell me about her daughter, but after waiting in line for the bathroom, it just seemed to be a little too awkward for my tastes
4. Accidently kicking my seat buddy numerous times while trying to sleep. She still managed to enjoy my company though.
5. A woman in a floral dress, who walked around as if she had never seen a plane.. or people... or a bathroom... or AIR in her entire life.
PARIS: (raining cats and dogs)
I met the only other student on the program I am on. We had a chance to chat on the looonnng ride to our base office. It was really nice to have a great deal of things in common with her. I was worried that I would be stuck here alone. When we arrived to the office, we met up with our program director. She has to be the sweetest woman ever. She gave us maps and our first assignment. After we went to our homestays, we were to find each other again (without cellphones), get bus tickets, then take the bus to the bastile and meet the director once more.
#1 I think I am really going to enjoy my homestay. I've only met two of the residents Madame and the dog, but by them I can tell I will love the rest of the household, which includes another foreign exchange student. Moment I knew I was were I should be... when her face lit up when I told her of my love for coffee.
#2 Bus tickets and finding the bus no problem.
#3 Finding the director...problem.. (apparently there is more than one news stand in Paris) who would have thought.
The three of us + a baby were able to wonder around a little bit of the wonderful city. When it started to rain we ran for cover in a nearby Cafe. There my fellow student and I were left once more to bumble around then find our ways back to our homestays. No trouble there.
It was an interesting first day. I think it is a great start to a lovely trip. Well, I haven't slept since Baton Rouge.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Last year I took a roadtrip through the south (Nashville, Jackson, Memphis, Birmingham, and Baton Rouge). While packing for my next adventure I found the notebook I kept during my roadtrip. My major influence for the trip was Into The Wild. Story of Alex McCandless and his journey of self-discovery....
"Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. ulitmate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road."
Thankfully, my trip did not finish in my death, but I think the book translated well to me.
ultimatly it's important not to forget where you come from, but I consider myself a mover. I don't stay in one place for too long... I think there is something beautiful about being a child of the world rather than staying in one box for all of your life.
Film for my state of mind:
Trois Couleurs: Bleu directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski
Song I'm inspired by:
Take Me to the Riot by Stars
Book <3
Into the Wild
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Longest Drive of My Life
Important to remember.
1. NEVER DRIVE 21 hours by yourself in one day. After the 18th hour and the reflectors start to look like people you know you should stop.
2. NEVER trust an embassy to get back to you in a "reasonable" amount of time.
3. A place where people live should never be this HOT. NY was in the 60s when I left. Today, in my car the temperature was 95?
I drove to Hammond, LA today to drop a friend off at the train station there. Despite the fact that it was felt like I had entered into the temperature of Hell. It was a beautiful drive. I missed the greenery that Louisiana possesses. This leads me to a list of things I love about today...
1. Babies... summer is when they final come out of the woodwork... doesn't matter if they are in strollers or attempting to walk... they were in their finest form today! :)
2. I enjoyed being looked in the face. Normally, I am scrutinized for looking at people or smiling ... or god forbid wave at someone... It is nice to be around people who smile won't run around the corner when someone approaches.
3. Food... I don't think I need to explain this one to those who have ever been to Louisiana and have had the food.
4. Bike ride... I took one today... that's all it was lovely.
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