So I finally made it to Prague! The city of Kafka, the gohlem of the jewish quarter... and the language that sounds like complete gibberish. My first flight to Washington D.C. was a little shaky I thought I was going to die the entire time... when we finally landed I caught myself saying the Our Father and closing my eyes. The second flight to Copenhagen was 9 hours of complete HELL! Not only was there a baby aboard... it was possed by a demon and wanted everyone to know it.
The Child cried the entire time... It would take little thirty minute breaks just enough to let the public fall asleep then it would scream like it was being murdered.... I even brought earplugs as a TAKE THAT BABY THAT ALWAYS CRIES ON THE AIRPLANE ITEM... but those things did not drown out that sucker...
Thus I arrived in Prague extremely sleep deprived, but I met Zuzanna the woman who is going to help the boys and me get ajusted to our new life here in this lovely city. She is the sweetest person I think I've ever met... she is so full of life... the cab ride to my "dorm" was entertaining between her and the driver... they made fun of the czech words that I thought I knew and taught me the correct ones.
I thought "sbohem" meant goodbye.. it does mean that, but it means "and god be with you" I feel like its me holding out my hand like a trek-y and saying live long and prosper.
I also acidentally stood Zuzanna up twice today... because of lack of knowledge of the city, but it is breathtaking. I can really feel myself becoming comfortable here. It reminded me of my first day in Italy last summer. I was so worried the entire time that I wouldn't be able to find my way back or that people would judge me because I couldn't speak Italian or even the fear of eating in a resturant by myself... but today I felt so confident walking around the city by myself....I even was able to get a cell, put minutes and everything by myself... and I did not feel weird asking for directions ... and when they didn't speak English... I asked French.. if that didn't work then I just pointed and used one of the Czech word that I do know. please.
To prove that czech is a little bit gibberish... guess what this means "zmrzlinu"
ICE CREAM... I have no idea how to pronouce that.
The place i'm staying in is only for a little while... I have to share a room and I'm not too good at that especially if the room is the size of a closet. Zuzanna , Possibly the boys, and I are going to look at some appartments tomorrow... so lets cross our fingers shall we.
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