Oh, the littles joys I've continued to encounter in Prague. This week was filled with Zumba class, many misunderstands, finally fair trade coffee, vanilla extract, and many other wonderful adventures.
Classes have been going well, but I try as hard as I can to fit in as many cultural events in as I can. This week included the new town hall tower, in which I was the only person to be in the building at the time other than the clerk. 10 long staircases to the top. the first were marble then it regressed to wooden then to ladders. creepy, but I enjoyed every moment.
I also was able to visit two modern museums the first was on the river and was interesting and had great views of the city and river. plus the famous prague babies are housed there. The second was the creepiest show I've ever seen. It was straight out of the Texas Chainsaw. There were puddy molds of faces hanging from clothes lines... and I stop there. There was another american in the exhibit with me and we just shared a befuddled exchange and left. He was a nice older man and we exchanged a couple of stories about our first month in prague then parted ways.
On that particular day I decided for some reason to wear a super colorful outfit and was then stopped on the street by a guy who asked to take a photo of me. He said I just had so many colors that I didn't look like an American. I must add I probably did look a bit ridiculous.
I went to see the philharmoinc once again and it even more spectacular than the last. I also went to see Scott Pilgram Vs. the world and I'm not going to lie, I geeked out a little.
Today, I went to get a honey massage and ended up staying an extra thirty mintues talking to the woman who massaged me. She was very refreshing and we had a great converstation about life, age, and growing up. I send her warm thoughts and she really put me in a great mood on a subject that's been causing me a lot of stress lately.
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