Thursday, December 9, 2010

It just so happens...

So it's been an extremely busy couple of weeks... I had to shoot my little filmette for the semester than just papers papers papers, but soon it will all be over at least for a little while to do some much needed traveling. All that has really happened to me lately is just school... and of course the hellishness of walking through snow streets.. if only the czech knew how to properly salt. Then, maybe I wouldn't fall down SO much... or maybe it's just me. I can hardly wait for some streefree down time, not always thinking about what i should be doing... it's the guilt of procrastination... i burden i unwillingly bare most of the time.
Today was a high spirits day... the sun came out for the first time in a couple of weeks and it was greatly appreciated... because winter depression is NO JOKE.. especially with snowballs being pelted into your face.

one more paper, two more test, a presentation (one or two can't remember), and then my last edit of my film.....and I'm home free...


Closely Watched Trains (I really enjoyed it) now I want to read the book which is supposed to be really great as well