The past two weeks have been full of wonderful adventures. Between Amsterdam, Piran, and Prague I have had a great beginning of spring. It is amazing how quickly Prague aquired such great weather. One moment, Prague was just too cold to words to describe then all of a sudden the sun came out and everyone is smiling. I feel like i'm in a different place now. (for the better) I don't know how much more of that cold weather I could have endured. I bought my ticket back to the states, mark your calenders for the 1st of June. I'll be seeing you Louisiana so get your self in gear. Then shortly thereafter I will ship myself off to the great state of New York for some summer (hopefully) internships and classes.
The more I think about it the more I am worried about going back. It will be almost a year since I've really been in the states and now i'm starting to realize the differences. I don't know how it will be to be back there. I am trying to imagine going to a resturant and sitting there for hours and just ordering a coffee? I don't think it really filies in the states. There will be some padding there though, I defered my trip back home by a day and a half. I am making a trip to copenhagen by myself, as a farewell to this part of the world for a while.
My flatmates and I held a party last night. I spent the day cleaning only for the entire place to be a wreck afterwards, but I won't complain because it was worth it. I enjoyed the company and I hope everyone else had a great time aswell. My flatmate, Pooja and I went on an epic search in prague to find Jello (for our jello shots) and I believe it was a good omen for the party.
Films that I'm in the mood for, but can't watch right now because I have to work :(
1. JFK
2. Magnolia (always in the mood)
3. Days of Heaven
4. Any of John Hughes
Accomplishments of the past two weeks
1. Finally watched Apocalypse Now
2. Went to two countries i've never been to (Netherlands and Slovenia)
3. Listened to the new Britney Album (not ashamed of it)
4. got approved on my flat in the states :) I have a home
5. Bought my ticket back to the states.
well I should go. I have papers to write and i've procrastinated long enough.
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