Back in Prague, until tomorrow when a couple of us from FAMU will be traveling to Vienna, Budapest, and Bratislavia. It's been strange to be back here with almost nothing to do besides the four days it took up to film the television series that my classmates and I created.
The last two months were filled with the beauty of Prague, Berlin, various parts of Morocco, London, and Dublin. As I reflect on my travels thus far all I can say is that it was the people that I traveled with that made the places so much more enjoyable to me. With all the travels came wonderful suprises and people that have touched me quite a great deal. In this new year I am thankful for all that I have and my friends and family who continue to encourage me and let me be the eccentric person that I am.
I plan to be better in writing on this blog and to not let any experiences pass me by. I am also training for a half-marathon, which we will see how that goes. It might be a day by day thing, but I will try my hardest to do it.
Kisses and Happy (BE-lated) new year :)