Since I've been back in Baton Rouge I've been doing this Hot Yogalites...It is absolutely amazing... I don't think I have ever felt my body that much. I feel I have more energy and to top it off I can stand the southern Louisiana Heat a little better. The latter is probably the greatest benefit.
Last Week I also tried the Foot detox body clease or what ever they call it. You go in put your feet in a bath of salt water and they hook you up to a machine... It pulls out all of the toxins out of your body through the pores of your feet. The water turns a disgusting color of brown and they can come by and tell you everything that it is pulling out. I'm not sure I 100 percent believe in it, but my feet were mighty soft when I pulled them out of the bath. :) Next week, I'm going to try to get some good hiking in before I leave for the frigid land called Prague. I'm getting so pumped.. enough that I pulled out my suitecase. I have started to pack though.. so much effort, but it will come soon. I did However find a european sight like netfliks... So my life is a little less stressful. I know that is a little nerdy, but regardless I had no idea what I was going to do if I couldn't do netfliks.
Another weird part of this trip is running into people I haven't seen in 6 to 3 years. I completely forgot that some of these people exisited and here we are face to face once again. Some one asked me "What are you doing here" I think that was the first time that I really felt that I was in limbo... I don't belong really anywhere right now. I feel like an eternal visitor... I felt like that at SLC as well... I mean I really can't call a dorm room home and I can't call a place that I see 2 months (if even that) home either. I guess it is the beginning of severing ties with places, but nothing I mean NOTHING is like a hot Louisiana summer. I am lucky for the people I have met and the places I have been... and I guess my idea is that people really do make the place. THAT IS THE HOME THAT I KNOW.
sorry for the ramble...
ok been a while but...
song I'm into as of today.. Skinny love by BON IVER
Movie I just loved... A SINGLE MAN (Tom Ford) STARTER FOR TEN (TOM VAUGHAN)
If you wanna get a grasp of Louisiana... watch The Divine Secrets of the YA-YA Sisterhood... I think it is under rated. I love this film... and If you watch Gossip Girl Like me because I agree I am a sell out... you are in for a little surprise.
That's all I have for now